If Kendrick Lamar Died Today, Would He Get the “Biggie Treatment”?


Getting “The Biggie Treatment” is being considered one of the greatest because you were very popular and talented at the time you died, even though you had a small catalog. K.Dot is arguably the hottest rapper out right now, even though he only has one studio album to his name. As much as I love Section.80, a debut internet-only album is about the equivalent to a hot mixtape. People consider Good Kid, M.a.a.d. City a classic, and it hasn’t even been out for a full year. But if he were to die today, would he be considered one of the greatest of all time? Think about it. People consider Biggie to be one of the GOATs even though he doesn’t have an extensive catalog. He only had Ready to Die to his name when he died, even though I can include Life After Death because the album was pretty much completed before he died. I don’t include those thrown together, posthumous albums. It’s one of those examples of quality over quantity.

Both of Big’s albums are considered classics, but him dying played almost as big a part of him becoming a legend than his music did. Dying while you’re on top makes you that much more relevant in the entertainment world. So if Kendrick were to die today, would he receive the same treatment as Biggie did?