The Weeknd: Worst-to-Best Albums

I f/w The Weeknd’s music pretty heavy. His tunes lead toward the alternative R&B genre, and his music just sounds different than most artists in that genre. He doesn’t really talk about love like most singers do. Instead, he sings about getting as high as possible. Dude’s a great singer, and a pretty good songwriter when he puts in the effort. Here’s the next installment of the “Worst-to-Best Albums” Series.


4. Kiss Land Last place goes to the most recent thing he’s dropped. Anybody that read my review of this album already knows what I think about it. In a nutshell, it disappointed me. The songwriting and the hooks on here were pretty lackluster compared to his older projects to me, and I just couldn’t get into it. Other than “Professional”, “Love in the Sky”, the album’s title track, and “The Town”, this project bored the shit out of me.

Favorite Tracks: Professional, Love in the Sky, Kiss Land, The Town


3. Thursday So the concept of this is that he only gets to fuck a certain girl, I’m assuming Valerie, on Thursdays due to him being on tour. This is the most OK project I’ve heard from him. Thursday had some great high-points, like “The Zone”, which is my favorite Weeknd song and had a very dope verse from Drake, and “Rolling Stone”. Overall though, this was nowhere near as good as House of Balloons, the project he dropped right before this one. His singing and the instrumentals were awesome, but once again the songwriting was only decent. He said he freestyled a couple of joints on here, and it ain’t hard to tell. It’s like he was saying the exact same shit a bunch of times on each individual track. Still got some replay value though, cool vibe music.

Favorite Tracks: The Zone, Rolling Stone, The Birds (Part 2)


2. Echoes of Silence This shit right here was excellent. To date, The Weeknd’s best songwriting is on this project. Alot of lyrics on here are kinda dark and depressing, but in a really dope way. Illangelo did basically all of the production on his own, and he did a fantastic job. None of the songs are skip-worthy, their very well constructed. I loved this album, start to finish.

Favorite Tracks: Outside, Same Old Song, XO/The Host


1. House of Balloons Sometimes you can’t beat the original. This is one of the best albums to drop this decade, so far. Abel debuted his dark music equipped with a great singing voice and spacey, atmospheric production from Doc McKinney and Illangelo. I never heard anything like it in the R&B genre. What I like so much about House of Balloons is how fun and entertaining it is. If I listen to one song, I end up listening to the entire album right after. Even though I got tired of hearing “Wicked Games” after it kept getting played on the radio, it’s still one of his best songs, no doubt. Overall, great album.

Favorite Tracks: Wicked Games, Coming Down, The Knowing