Artist Submission: Torreono – “Before Doom”

First time I’ve received a poetry submission. This is really deep, check it out.


As I sit here before the end. I ponder where and why it all begins.Thinking how to avoid it all, the nation will be its own downfall.

Thoughts consume me on what’s right and wrong. Am I really going to hell ‘cuz I sparked a bong? I wish I could talk to God so he could fill me in. At times I think I’m safe, not likely if we are all born in sin.

My folks weren’t married over alter. My mother wasn’t carried, my sobering thoughts, very scary.

Used to be locked into religion, until I accidentally broke the code. But nothing is certain, still, I think I should try to fit the mold.

Honor your parents, for that’s what the good book said, but Mama and me don’t see eye to eye. And Dad, well he’s in jail, possibly out, ore maybe even dead.

These are the thoughts that swim in just the shallows of my Virgo mind. According to my natal chart, I have ascended Gemini. I have a somewhat belief in Zodiac. Tell others and they say it’s an act.

I guess they don’t buy into the stars and that, but an all-powerful being in the sky, much more acceptable. Question it, and the believers reaction, more more questionable.

Don’t be mislead, I’m saying not that I don’t believe. I just think it’s more to the universe than we can perceive or dream.

The being is all powerful, my lungs are so sour-full. If we are made in God’s image, that would make us too powerful.

We can’t touch the Creator, I can accept that. God is about unity, religion divides, and it’s leader won’t admit that.

Divide and conquer, a very simple term. It’s happening as we speak. Will the people ever learn no one’s coming to our aid. For that would be another bridge to burn.

If in the time to come I shall meet my doom, I reminisce on the days when my biggest concern was cartoons.

I suggest you get to know your soul before it, like your freedom, gets sold. Become one with it, and never will it go.