Looking Back, Overrated/Underrated: Drake – Take Care


In 2011, Drizzy dropped his highly anticipated, sophomore album. I liked the stuff Drake put out prior to it, so I was looking forward to it. It’s looked at as one of the best rap albums of the 2010 decade so far. It even ended up winning the Grammy for Best Rap Album in 2013. Overall, the verdict is


I really don’t like this album. I mean I REALLY don’t like this album. I must admit, I bought into the hype at first, but after giving it a couple of listens, Take Care just became annoying. You know all those stupid “Drake the type of nigga that..” jokes on Twitter? I’m sure that this was the cause of it. He said he doesn’t like when people call him emotional, but wtf do you expect them to do when you make some shit like this? All you did was bitch about girls for the the majority of the album. This nigga rapped about going through girls’ purses? Seriously? Seriously? This is the softest “Rap” album I’ve ever heard, and resulted in Drake being crowned the emperor of the lightskinned niggas.

How tf did this beat Nas’ Life is Good for the Grammy? Was it a more popular album, yes. (I may have just answered my own question.) But was it better? Fuck no. It was kinda bold that he never threw away his Grammy speech, and he didn’t even get to use it, but this shit shouldn’t have given him the reason to use it in the first place. Drake’s a talented guy, don’t get me wrong, but.. “The Motto” was one of my least favorite songs in 2011, and the “movement” it started was terrible. Old people trying to relate to today’s youth by saying YOLO is nerve-racking.

I loved the production on this, especially “Lord Knows”, but other than that, it’s been resting in my recycle bin since I came to the realization that this album does absolutely nothing for me. That sing-rapping shit like he did on “Headlines” is irritating when he overdoes it, and the fact that he tried to talk tough while he was doing it made it worse. What “thug” sings when making threats? Drake’s delivery on most of this tracks was whack, and and most of the rap verses weren’t memorable to me. Even though he had PHENOMENAL lines like, “She said “You’re such a dog”. and I said “You’re such a bone.” and “Just bought a ghost so shit is getting spooky”…. Nigga what? It’s those type of lines that if you say them acapella, they’re meant to make people say “oooh”, but everybody just be standing there like                                                                                                                                                            straightface

This featured some of his worst rapping and his worst singing. And the R&B songs that The Weeknd wrote for this would’ve sounded ALOT better if The Weeknd was the one singing them. A few, (and I really mean “few”) of Drake’s songs were cool, like “HYFR”, “Look What You’ve Done”, “Crew Love” and….I think that’s it. My favorite part of this album, (“Buried Alive”, which ain’t all that great either) don’t even got the nigga on it.

I’m not HATING ON this album, I just HATE this album. He managed to redeem himself with Nothing Was the Same though, so it may be all good from here on out.

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